I’m giving my art away for “good.”
As a fiber / mixed media artist and board certified art therapist I have often struggled with how to make my art have greater reach and purpose while creating good in the world. Over the years, I’ve donated pieces to silent auctions, raffles and fund raisers. Yet, I always felt that my art could do more than grace a shelf or someone’s wall. I wanted it to grow and help others – people I’ve never met – to join in the process, I hoped.
So I began creating sixty handcrafted art journals and birthed the Good Works Journal Project. Each journal recipient is asked to contribute a chapter. They then must also give the journal away.
The guidance for participation is found on the journal’s first page and reads as follows:
“This journal took approximately 15-20 hours to create. In taking possession of this journal, you are agreeing to participate in at least 15 hours of doing good in the world. How you choose to serve, volunteer or do charitable work is up to you. I encourage you to push your comfort zone. You won’t regret it. I’m willing to bet you’ll remember this experience for the rest of your life.
Then, within the pages of the journal you are invited to write, share photos, draw, collage or create something about your good-works-adventure. You can also record your experience on our Facebook page.
We need to share our hearts and loving deeds with the world. Also, we want more people to know about this project so they can start one of their own, inspire hope and see that caring about each other abounds in this world.
Finally, you must find someone else who agrees to this continue this project, to pass the journal forward, on out into the world. This is where the journey of the journal continues. Good works creating more good works. You answered the call. I am quite sure you know someone else who will give their hands and heart to this project. Perhaps they live near by or halfway around the world. Find them, get them to agree and let this journal of goodness and caring continue its journey and mission. ”
To read the amazing Good Works stories please go to Journal’s Facebook page at facebook.com/goodworksjournal. If you would like to participate in the Good Works Journal Project, please let me know. Just email me at goodworksjournal@gmail.com or here at mollyg@flamingheartmedia.com. We’ll get you started.